STREAM SCHEDULE UPDATE (yes, all caps for this one)

Hey friends,

this will be a super short one.
And I apologize if I'm spamming your feed.

In any case, there's a slight adjustment to the 1.3 release stream hosted by the one and only nyaro.

The more, the merrier

The original plan had us split the stream in two sessions, starting Saturday the 25th.

But instead we'll start on Friday, the 24th, and then have three sessions in total.

This means that we'll have one day per Act and can fully focus on that.
In other words, it's gonna be a full weekend of TRACHI for you guys to enjoy.

So let's have another look at what's going to happen and when.


Friday, 24th September: ProAgon
18:00-21:00 CEST 

Saturday, 25th September: InfiltrAtion
18:00-21:00 CEST

Sunday, 26th September: InfestAtion
14:00-19:00 CEST

As you might have gathered by now, I have a huge fascination for ancient Greece.
And this is more or less the way they handled the performance of tragedies in the Dionysia.

So I am super glad that we can go for this format, hehe.

As such, I want to express my biggest and most heartfelt thanks to all of the amazing people who are participating.

Thank you, Areh, Aster, Cali, Cerby, Jase, Jerome, Soren and Ve!
You're like family to me.

So before I get all teared up and write some hyper-sentimental stuff which I might regret...
I'll come to a close here.

But fear not, because I'll be back with a short preview of what's going down in Act 2!
Spoiler: A lot.

In any case, I'll see you in a day or two.

Much love


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