APATHY: Analysis

Dr. Iosef Andreos
Facility 18-π

Preliminary report concerning Subject #811313
The patient has responded positively to the Thessalonian method. As relayed by the primary source, both physical and mental pain cause the subject to enter a state of dissociation. As such, #811313 is able to persist through severe traumatic experiences seemingly unaffected. Contrary to the Hypothesis of Dr. Metaxas, this particular form of mental detachment is not to be regarded as a coma, nor does the patient exhibit any signs of losing consciousness at any point during the procedure.

Shock therapy
Session /09 verified that the subject's ability to the evoke this state diminishes if he is gradually exposed to pain. As such, we believe that shock could potentially serve as the primary catalyst. Unfortunately, the patient quickly grew accustomed to our methods and we were thus unable to obtain conclusive results.

In regards to the state itself, we were able to also verify that the subject's eyes remain open throughout the entire process with an ability to follow moving objects or individuals  His pupils react to visual stimuli, such as fluctuating levels of brightness or colour. However, as has been noted in the introductory report, the patient does not respond to abstract stimuli such as spoken or written language. When presented with a single letter, however, he displayed an ability to differentiate between different characters (see Addendum 4c).

The subject's full consciousness is restored by interrupting the administration of pain. However, we observed widely differing intervals between these two events. Following an experiment on the 24th November 1922, the subject "woke up" after two hours and seven minutes. On the opposite end of the spectrum, it took him 9 hours and 37 minutes to recover from our session on the 7th December.

According to the primary source, the patient's particular state can also be suspended using a much more proactive and less time-consuming method. Supposedly, evoking feelings of arousal are able to severely increase the speed of #811313's recovery. Due to the variance of the subject's reconvalescent period, we have yet to verify or falsify this claim. Following our source's instruction to the letter, we could not reproduce the described results. I have asked Dr. Mihail Giannopoulos to henceforth attend our experimental sessions and observe the patient's somatic responses to different stimulants, including Mescaline.

Curiously enough, the patient has reacted very positively to our one-on-one interviews. Barring one exception, everything he relayed coincides with the statements of the primary source. Describing the events leading up the 28th August in great detail, #811313 displays an uncanny eagerness to share his observations. However, he has yet to make any mention of the other agents.

Most importantly, the subject did not at any point acknowledge the existence of his dissociative episodes. He also claimed to possess no recollection of events that immediately preceded or followed them. Confronting him with visual stimuli, he did not display any unusual reactions, except for one instance. A piece of paper displaying the letter A (Attachment 3a) evoked an uncharacteristically long pause before his eventual response.

Contrary to the shock treatment, the procedure still yielded an effect after several cycles, albeit with a significantly diminished return (Table 8). As such, there is reason to assume that the letter does indeed exhibit a special connection with the subject's dissociative phases. For this reason, I have attached a formal request to have Prof. Dimitris Antonis of the Attican Academy for Experimental Psychology invited to share his expertise on the subject of Atopia with us.


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