AGONY: Katharsis

I guess this is how it works, right?
A few letters on a page, and I make history?

God, this is stupid.
It's like I'm writing a diary.

But for some reason, I'm about to lose my mind.

There's no way it's true, right?
No fucking way.

Please, for the love of everything.

Tell me you're not actually real.

Because if you are...
I have a real good question for you.

Were the fuck were you?

Come on.
I'm waiting.

Yeah, I thought as much.

You saw it, too, didn't you?
The moment everything changed.

When my own flesh and blood...
Took my life away from me.

Do you pity me?
Or is it fun to you?

To see a person being defiled?

It's nauseating, isn't it?
Like, everybody knows it's wrong.
And that it shouldn't happen.

But it did.
To me.

And to a lot of others, too.

So, once again.

Where the fuck were you?
Because I didn't see you stopping it.

I know.

There's nothing you could've done.
I understand.

You're not to blame.
Because you just did what you were supposed to do.

You played your part.
And I'm playing mine.

So whatever, or whoever you are.
Understand this.

It's okay.
You are you.
And I am me.

The things we've done...
Are in the past.

But it won't stop, right?
Because there's a choice between killing yourself...
Or devouring everything around you.

That's how it's always been.
And that's how it's going to be.
Until the day humans don't suffer from anything, anymore.

Considering these things are happening...
You're either unwilling or unable to stop them.

Again, I'm not judging you.
On the contrary, I'm intrigued.

Because I'd like to know...
Why you're here, then?

Out of interest?
Or you just can't help yourself.

Because you're suffering from the same thing as us.

But that's just a theory, of course.
Perhaps, it's random, after all.
And we just happened to be here.

Then again, none of this really matters.
The important thing is what we do with it, right?

So how about we make a deal, hm?

You tell me what you know...
And I'll do the same for you.

Don't worry, there's no rush.
Think about it for some time, if you want.

And if you ever feel like this is you...
You know where to find me.

Perhaps, someday...
I'll know where to find you, too.

See you then, at the latest.

Well, that wasn't so hard.
I guess it's all about turning your brain off, after all.

Wait, why I am I still writ-


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